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Aristoc Size Chart

Tights and Stockings 

Aristoc Tights

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Aristoc is a great British heritage brand established in the 1920’s with a long history of producing the finest quality hosiery.

British designed and manufactured hosiery. Aristoc is synonymous with sophisticated stockings, tights and sensuous hold ups and classic bodytoners. 

The Aristoc body toners opaque tights are 60 denier tights that hold the body in perfect shape, pulling the body line straight, these make also a lovely winter tight, keeping you legs in shape and toasty warm.

Aristoc is renowned for quality and style as well as having a strong heritage of innovation that goes back over 100 years, selling products of enhanced modern technology but with products that offer exceptional valve for money, this is why here at the Tights and Stockings UK online store we love and endorse the brand. A house hold name in the UK starting life withe the Asristoc stockings and later the Aristoc tights the Ultra shine Hold ups and the Ultra shine Stockings, this brand you cannot go wrong, style after style on the UK tights and UK stockings scene.

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