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Aristoc Brand

Aristoc is a great British heritage brand established in the 1920’s with a long history of producing the finest quality hosiery.
British designed and manufactured hosiery, Aristoc is synonymous with sophisticated stockings, sensuous hold ups and classic bodytoners
Aristoc is renowned for quality and style as well as having a strong heritage of innovation.
The Bodytoners range are beautiful, stylish shaping products that are also functional.
A house hold name for British nylon and one of the first to produce and sell tights.
Aristoc was first known as AE Allen 1920 and formed Aristoc uk Ltd in 1934. Nylon was first used by Aristoc in the 1940's, the first seam free tights came later in the 1950's truly leading the way, two seam free tight where made one of which is still available today. The next major change came in the 70's when Aristoc presents hosiery as a fashion item not just a leg covering, new styles emerge. The first advertising campaign came in the 90's by this point cabin crew, office workers, fashion icons to the every day women all seen in Aristos.

Why buy Aristoc Brand 

Aristoc brand has the most history with great innovations though the years. A brand that has not lost it quality but at a great price which in our opinion last longer the most other brands making them a real favorite with our customers. Great fashion designs with the range being updated all the time. We recommend the Aristoc Bodytoners range.

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